I love books with a purpose, a hidden or sometimes not so hidden meaning to them. This is one such book. 

I must confess that the first time I read it I found the beginning slow and weighty. Not exactly the book I was looking for at the time. After going through it again though I realized that I missed the Author's note at the beginning of the book and therefore did not fully understand the books purpose. 

This book is classified as science-fiction but the reason behind it is anything but. Human trafficking and slavery are very real and is still practiced  the world over. This story is a powerful book about one girl's journey from slavery to freedom and learning to find her voice again. 

As purely science-fiction, I enjoyed this book. After learning about it's true meaning and purpose, I love this book. Ms. Kreitzer did a wonderful job writing a book that, even during the "slow" parts, draws you in while simultaneously teaching you about the perils that are still going on in our society today. I will certainly be back for more from this author. 

Note: I purchased this book with my own funds. 

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    My name is Courtney Paul and this page is all about the books I'm reading and what my opinions are of them. I'd love to hear your feedback whether you agree or disagree.


    June 2012

